Philosophy 2: Society and Values  

Pierce College

Department of History, Philosophy, & Sociology









Group Exercise for Mill's Principle of Harm & Taxation       










(Notes on the importance of group exercises.





















The Purpose


The purpose of this group exercise is to understand harms and taxes. 













The Group Work


0) Briefly introduce yourselves and assign roles for each member (e.g., leader, presenter, question answerer, fact checker, etc.)










1) Identify a form of taxation for education that is obviously justifiable according to Mill's Principle of Harm.

2) Identify a form of taxation for education that is obviously unjustifiable according to Mill's Principle of Harm.

3) Identify a form of taxation for education that is neither obviously justifiable or obviously unjustifiable according to Mill's Principle of Harm, and then explain why it is actually justifiable or not (pick one) according to Mill's Principle of Harm.

4) Piece of paper: names, date, and 1), 2), & 3)









5) Prepare to present your groups' findings to the class.