
Pierce College

Department of History, Philosophy, & Sociology



Priming Exercise for Questions



(Notes on the importance of group exercises.










On a sheet of paper, put your name and today's date–and write down two questions having to do with one or more of the authors to be written about in our next essay. 


One question should be a genuine question, meaning you don't know the answer to it. 


The other question should be a test question, meaning you think you know the answer to it. 












Option 1: Pass those sheets of paper forward so I can collect them, then answer them. 


Option 2: Get into groups and read one question without letting those who hear your question know if it is a genuine question or a test question.  Take note of the answers you get.  Once each person in your group has asked one question, have someone in your group raise a hand so I can give you the next set of directions. 












Option 2 Follow-Up:  On a sheet of paper (one per group) put today's date, your group members' names, and either one lingering question, or some other, relevant question if there is no lingering question. 


Please return to your pre-group seats when you are done with this sheet of paper, giving me that group-sheet of paper on your way.